My sister Tracy and her fiance Matt came over tonight for dinner and they came with gifts in hand as always. I'm Lily is starting to get spoiled with all of the pajamas, dresses, and toys!
My sister painted her portrait based on one of her photos:
and then she put this together for her:
I LOVE Love LOVE the gifts! and of course Lily does too.
It seems like these days if anyone wants to see us, they have to come to our place! We've both been so busy with work and now throw in a sick baby and all of our time is consumed. I feel like the sun is rising before it even begins to set. Plus there's a lot coming up within the next few weeks.
- Tracy's birthday - Aug 7th
- LLS Light the Night Campaign kick-off party - Nationals Park - Aug. 7th
- Matt's birthday - Aug 12th
- Lilyan's Baptism - Aug 15th
- Poconos trip - Aug 20-24th
I can't believe Tracy is going to be 2-3! Every time a birthday comes up for Tracy, I try to remember what I was doing at that age. Let's see at 23, I was pretty much living in LA for work. Traveling back and forth every week up until Christmas where I flew home Christmas Eve and returned to LA the day after Christmas. Those days were some of the best days of my life. I met Brian and had the best time with all of my co-workers. I stayed at the Portofino Inn at Redondo Beach, had the master suite with an ocean sound view and woke up to barking seals and breakfast on the marina. We worked hard and partied hard back then! ohh memoriesss....if it weren't for our family all being in the area, I really think I would want to live out in Cali...maybe one day!
[this was the view from my balcony i mentioned...horrible i know]

I'm excited for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society kick-off. I started volunteering for the LLS and this will be a great event for a great cause. Plus it doesn't hurt that my friends and I get tickets to the game afterwards! The Light the Night walk is coming to Reston in October and I'm heading up a team to walk. We walked as a team at Valon Salon when I worked there for a million years, so I asked them to walk again. I'm really hoping that enough people sign up so we can raise a significant amount of money! So, don't be surprised if you see something on facebook asking for your donations!
[yes, that is me up in front with the hair up to my ears]

After my soon-to-be-brother-in-law Matt's 2-?th bday is Lilyan's baptism! Usually this consists of being baptized at church during service and going to brunch afterwards as a family to celebrate. Welllll thanks to Brian's HUGE family (did I mention that they all live within 30 miles of us?) this will be another big party. Let's just say I invited about 75 people. I feel like I'm prepping for another wedding! Lily's Christening outfit that I'm purchasing this weekend (supposedly the same one Jessica Alba's daughter wore) is beautiful.....! My friend Sera Cho of Project Cupcakes is making the cupcakes for the reception (a mix of red velvet and carrot cake) and decorating them to match the theme of the invitations:
[cherry blossoms!]

...and our friend Matty is catering the reception with his award winning barbeque. I can't wait to see everyone! It will be such a special day and I'm so thankful that we are making a big celebration out of it.
Last, but not least, we head to the Poconos for a long weekend Aug 20-24th to celebrate my sister-in-law Jessica's birthday. This will be my first time up to her in-law's mountain house, but hopefully not the last! I'm already looking forward to the winters we will get to spend there. I have to make up for all the snowboarding I missed out on last year! just hit me that I might be catching what Lily and Brian have so I am off to bed [with some nyquil]! Besides, this post is long enough as it is!
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