Don't let this innocent face fool you.
Lately, Lilyan has been testing our patience. She no longer sits still to let you change her clothes or diaper. She insists on flipping over and screams when you turn her back around.
The second you set her down in her crib when she falls asleep, she pops right up and tries to get out. No matter how tired she is, she knows instantaneously when she's there. Sometimes though, she'll spare us a couple of minutes and will "sleep" and minutes later when it's way too quiet, I'll check on her and find her like this:

Then, whenever you tell her "no" she acts as if you are playing a game with her. She gives you this look, laughs, and is right back to what she was doing:

It's really amazing how fast she is growing. All in a matter of weeks she has sat up on her own, started crawling, and now pulling herself up to stand! Slow down!!
Happy 7 Months Lilyan!!
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