ta ta for now FedExField!

Who would have thought that having a baby would be so expensive? I feel like all of my paychecks these days go to doctors bills, co-pays, formula, diapers, baby food, baby clothes, baby toys, baby everything! Last night I took Lily with me to Target and had to really refrain from buying her more toys. As we strolled through the toy aisle she stared at all the colors and blinking lights and looked so happy to be getting something new to play with. Yet, with determination I kept going and didn't stop once. Then I swear she sadly looked at her slobbery old singing bumblebee in her lap and rolled her eyes. I really felt bad that I didn't get her a new toy! What is wrong with me? What does she need more teething toys and rattles for anyway when two seconds later she's only interested in chewing on the receipt?

I have started to realize that all of the mental notes I used to take when I was around other kids are quickly disappearing (do not pick up baby every time she/he cries, do not fill house with pointless toys, do not become one of those organic mommies that uses the terms play date and bpa free). So for all those new mommies to be, or one day to be, forget the mental notes, because it all changes when you have a kid!

Anyways, back to the subject. So, all of these expenses means we have to cut back somewhere. Unfortunately that somewhere leads us to our Redskins Season Tickets. This is enough to bring a grown man to tears, like my husband. So, yes, we will be selling all of our club level season tickets this year and probably next year. On a brighter note, this means no more beltway traffic, drunken fights with 10 year olds, getting kicked out for throwing snowballs at Bears fans below us, suffering embarrassing losses (ahem, Rams), or overpriced food and beer. I'm sure this will be the year that we win every game at home and make it to the playoffs. Which, if that is the case, you can be sure we will NOT be selling those seats. Either way, as much as I'll miss all of the tailgating fun and being in the stadium after a win, I'm just excited that it's football season again!! As long as we have a TV to watch the games (even if its a 12 inch screen in the corner of a bar) I'll be happy.

tuesdays with ashley

I'm tired of my blog design.
Why must Lily insist on trying to get out of her crib the moment I set her down?

I can't believe it will be our one year anniversary on Monday! Crap - what do I get him? Something to do with paper?
My shoulder hurts. really bad.

Is it nice outside? Sunny? I can't tell since I live in the darkness of the blinds.
I need to make coffee.
I need to do laundry.
I need to clean.

I should start exercising more.
We need to start eating healthier.
Speaking of, I need to get groceries... and diapers.

I should get back to work. 
I love working from home. I love being home. I wish I was a stay at home mom.

what should I make for dinner? i'll look up a recipe from food network. i want their magazine.

ughh i need coffee. 

i hate the new coffee i bought. i'll add that to my grocery list. new coffee. better coffee.

Is it really only Tuesday?!?

crap. Lily is crying.

Light the Night - Help our team raise money!

It's almost time for the annual Light the Night Walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). On this night we pay tribute and bring hope to people battling cancer. Teams of friends and families or co-workers raise funds for cancer research and to provide services in their communities. Walkers carry illuminated balloons - white for survivors, red for supporters, and gold for those who have lost a loved one to blood cancer. The money you raise through Light The Night helps real families in need. Even though I do not have any personal stories to share, I can guarantee there are far too many people suffering from cancer who need our help. Often times we only help when there is someone near and dear to our hearts who is suffering. Why not help out a stranger?

Your help will make a difference. Please consider making a donation to my team! Any amount will contribute towards our team goal. $1, $5, $20, $100! Anything will help!

For more information or to donate online, visit


Here are some facts about the upcoming Walk:

When: Saturday, October 3rd 2009

Where: Reston Town Center, Reston, VA

Thank you for your support!


7 months already?!!

Don't let this innocent face fool you. 

Lately, Lilyan has been testing our patience. She no longer sits still to let you change her clothes or diaper. She insists on flipping over and screams when you turn her back around. 

The second you set her down in her crib when she falls asleep, she pops right up and tries to get out. No matter how tired she is, she knows instantaneously when she's there. Sometimes though, she'll spare us a couple of minutes and will "sleep" and minutes later when it's way too quiet, I'll check on her and find her like this:

It looks like its time to drop the crib lower! 

Then, whenever you tell her "no" she acts as if you are playing a game with her. She gives you this look, laughs, and is right back to what she was doing:

 It's really amazing how fast she is growing. All in a matter of weeks she has sat up on her own, started crawling, and now pulling herself up to stand! Slow down!!

Happy 7 Months Lilyan!!


lily's baptism....

...was beautiful! Even though it was a million degrees outside and the A/C had been turned off in the church an hour before the ceremony, Lily was a happy camper and didn't cry once. I was so proud of her. The long silk gown she wore was enough for me to be miserable just by holding her, but she was all smiles in front of the crowd of 50+. She even kept her cool while the pastor poured water over her head. The pastor said it was a first that a baby has never cried during a baptism! He also said he's never seen such a large crowd for a private ceremony. Needless to say, 90% of the gathering was related to Brian. My side was definitely not as represented. 

The reception afterwards was just as I planned (well kinda). The food was amazing, the decorations were beautiful, and the cupcakes were adorable! 

[with the godparents Chris & Tracy]


reason to celebrate

There's no better reason to throw a party then a baptism! We bought the prettiest christening gown for Lily. Plus, it was on saaale, so we just had to buy it!! (that part was for you tracy) We're expecting about 50 people or so to show up, which is good considering I thought the number would be around 75. I have ordered the cupcakes, bought my dress, Brian bought a suit, I picked up the decorations last night, and tonight we get the beer, wine, and food. Hopefully everything will turn out as planned!

(Tissue flowers I purchased courtesy of Martha Stewart)
(inspiration for cupcake design)
(Pink lemonade...plus cocktails)
Happy Christening Lily!

august august august

My sister Tracy and her fiance Matt came over tonight for dinner and they came with gifts in hand as always. I'm Lily is starting to get spoiled with all of the pajamas, dresses, and toys! 

My sister painted her portrait based on one of her photos:
and then she put this together for her:

I LOVE Love LOVE the gifts! and of course Lily does too.

It seems like these days if anyone wants to see us, they have to come to our place! We've both been so busy with work and now throw in a sick baby and all of our time is consumed. I feel like the sun is rising before it even begins to set. Plus there's a lot coming up within the next few weeks. 
  • Tracy's birthday - Aug 7th
  • LLS Light the Night Campaign kick-off party - Nationals Park - Aug. 7th
  • Matt's birthday - Aug 12th
  • Lilyan's Baptism - Aug 15th
  • Poconos trip - Aug 20-24th
I can't believe Tracy is going to be 2-3! Every time a birthday comes up for Tracy, I try to remember what I was doing at that age. Let's see at 23, I was pretty much living in LA for work. Traveling back and forth every week up until Christmas where I flew home Christmas Eve and returned to LA the day after Christmas. Those days were some of the best days of my life. I met Brian and had the best time with all of my co-workers. I stayed at the Portofino Inn at Redondo Beach, had the master suite with an ocean sound view and woke up to barking seals and breakfast on the marina. We worked hard and partied hard back then! ohh memoriesss....if it weren't for our family all being in the area, I really think I would want to live out in Cali...maybe one day!

[this was the view from my balcony i mentioned...horrible i know]

I'm excited for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society kick-off. I started volunteering for the LLS and this will be a great event for a great cause. Plus it doesn't hurt that my friends and I get tickets to the game afterwards! The Light the Night walk is coming to Reston in October and I'm heading up a team to walk. We walked as a team at Valon Salon when I worked there for a million years, so I asked them to walk again. I'm really hoping that enough people sign up so we can raise a significant amount of money! So, don't be surprised if you see something on facebook asking for your donations! 

[yes, that is me up in front with the hair up to my ears]

After my soon-to-be-brother-in-law Matt's 2-?th bday is Lilyan's baptism! Usually this consists of being baptized at church during service and going to brunch afterwards as a family to celebrate. Welllll thanks to Brian's HUGE family (did I mention that they all live within 30 miles of us?) this will be another big party. Let's just say I invited about 75 people. I feel like I'm prepping for another wedding! Lily's Christening outfit that I'm purchasing this weekend (supposedly the same one Jessica Alba's daughter wore) is beautiful.....! My friend Sera Cho of Project Cupcakes is making the cupcakes for the reception (a mix of red velvet and carrot cake) and decorating them to match the theme of the invitations:

[cherry blossoms!]

...and our friend Matty is catering the reception with his award winning barbeque. I can't wait to see everyone! It will be such a special day and I'm so thankful that we are making a big celebration out of it. 

Last, but not least, we head to the Poconos for a long weekend Aug 20-24th to celebrate my sister-in-law Jessica's birthday. This will be my first time up to her in-law's mountain house, but hopefully not the last! I'm already looking forward to the winters we will get to spend there. I have to make up for all the snowboarding I missed out on last year! 

ughhh...it just hit me that I might be catching what Lily and Brian have so I am off to bed [with some nyquil]! Besides, this post is long enough as it is!