Christmas Eve at the In-Laws
[first gift of the night - matching P.J's with her cousin!]
[she also got a sleeping bag to match her cousin's from last year!]
[I love this picture...they are so cute together]
Christmas Eve at our home

Christmas Morning!
[coming out to see all of her gifts]
[reading her card from her mommy and daddy]

[inside her Dora playhut!]

[she loves the tunnel!]
[opening her stocking]
Christmas at Grandpa's house
[opening one of 100 gifts she received]

["Excuse me...this is MY gift!"]
[remember when I said, "I wish my sisters and I could take pictures in front of the tree in ridiculous outfits like the old days"? Well my wish came true, when my sister bought us matching p.j's! haha]
[back at home - Lily wanted to play on her new cute lamb rocker from Pottery Barn]
[p.s. - ignore my husbands outfit...he's wearing Transformers p.j's he got from my sister as a joke...
...except, he secretly loves them]
Hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays!
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