I can't believe the weekend is already over! We spent Saturday watching college football with some friends at our place, then headed up to the Steakhouse across the street to watch the Tech game. I really wish I had a team to root for. I blame the fact that GMU didn't have a team. Who knows if this is true, but it was rumored that the Skins were going to help build a stadium for them so they could practice there, meanwhile giving GMU the chance to build up a team. Supposedly the Dean didn't want GMU to become that kind of school. Well, I wanted to go to that kind of school!! Anyways, without a team to root for, I am left with certain teams to pull for - WVU, Notre Dame, & Navy. Naturally I have to pull for the hubby's team, WVU, since he went there for his freshman year. The other two teams, I have always liked, plus my Dad was in the Navy. Having said that, Saturday was a good day for all of those teams. Well, except Navy of course, who almost pulled off a win against the Buckeyes...I still think they should have ran the 2 pt conversion in. Why is it that college games are so much more exciting than the NFL? It seems like once players reach the NFL they no longer have to play their hearts out since they are guaranteed $$$. I wish they would just play each game as if they needed to get signed. Then maybe the majority of the Skins games wouldn't be decided by an OT field goal! Wishful thinking of course...
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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