My Lil G is eating rice & oatmeal cereal now! She's been eating it once a day for a little over a week now, so we get to switch her to veggies and fruits soon. I plan on making her own baby food to save some cash and also because it's a healthy option and seems fun. Now I can finally get the
Beaba Babycook! It's funny how these things excite me now. Just like when I'm at the mall and see a sale at Gap Kids or Old Navy. No wonder I never have anything to wear, I blow all my money on her clothes!
Also, she's beginning to roll over from side to side to tummy. Each time one of us checks on her in her crib she has done a 180. And finally she's laughing out loud. Or as my friend Leena says, "She can LOL now"! I love it when she laughs because she hasn't quite figured it out yet, so every time she laughs she surprises herself. Happy 4 months Lilyan Grace!
(How is it that my baby is so pale and has blue eyes?!)
Must be those Irish genes.
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