I can't believe that I only have less than two weeks before I have to go back to work. Where did the time go? Usually I'd be upset with myself for not accomplishing anything the past 4 weeks, but I'm lucky I got to spend everyday with Lily - even if that meant being spit up on daily and nonstop diaper changing, breastfeeding, and laundry. It's funny how much of your day is consumed by a newborn. Plus Lily is the only baby in the world that dislikes the bouncy

vibrating seat, which means if she's not asleep, you better be holding her (a habit we'll soon need to break her of). This makes every normal thing involving yourself impossible...like eating, going to the bathroom, cleaning, showering...thankfully Brian gets home early most days giving me a few minutes to myself. Yet, all in all, I'm not looking forward to going back to work. I feel like she's going to grow up when I'm not around and I'm going to miss some big milestone :( We are very fortunate though that Brian's mom will be watching her while we're at work..so I won't feel bad checking up on her all the time. So, with the little time I have left at home with her by myself, I will spend it taking photos like these...and by updating her baby books before work consumes my life again. blahhh....why can't i just be rich and not have to work?
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