It's been six whole months since Lilyan was born (well, six months and three days). I still can not believe how much she has grown and how quickly time has passed. One year ago we were getting ready for our wedding, sending out our invitations, and vacationing at the Outer Banks. Six months ago, we were driving home from the hospital on a freezing cold day, scared and nervous about being by ourselves, but so incredibly happy to be home with Lily. We slept on the couch for the first few weeks with Lily between us in her travel bed. Everything was so new to us and this felt the most comfortable and safest for us.

Fast forward to today and it's hard to believe that we were once in that state of mind. We've had to learn fast like all first time parents and even though we've had our scares and moments of doubt, parenting became second nature to us. Worries about Lily eating her bottle too fast or getting gassy were quickly replaced with Lily scooting (she's at that stage where she scoots backwards, but not quite crawling) and rolling over to chew on the power cords and t.v. stand. As soon as we become comfortable with one stage, she outgrows it and gives us a whole new set of worries. There's never even enough time to worry about all these worries! I guess we will just have to accept the fact that she will continually throw challenges our way as we try to keep up and adapt to them.

Happy 6 Months Lilyan!
6 month checkup
weight: 16 lbs 5 oz
height: 25.75 inches
P.S. - I just realized that Lily is wearing a hat in every picture that I loaded into this post. So maybe I am obsessed with baby hats!
Don't worry, once she grows hair I won't have to put a hat on her all the time....but I will get to use hair clips!