So I know I have a few years before I turn 30, but recently I started thinking about how quickly the years are passing and how much there is in life that I still want to accomplish. Plus, given the fact that nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, who knows how long I'll have to accomplish my life goals (besides God)? All my life I have lived in Northern Virginia. Granted, I don't think I could ever move away from my family, but it really puts things in perspective if you compare Nova to the rest of the world. There's so much out there that I have yet to see and I'm not getting any younger! Even though I've traveled my fair share for the occasional vacation getaway, I have never been to Paris, Italy, Japan, or Ireland...all the places I dream of going. So until Lily gets a little older and my paycheck gets a lot bigger, I'm going to have to settle for achieving the smaller goals in life that are within reach. My first goal is to actually list out
my personal goals, since I can't say I have one. To get me started on my own list I've browsed some books & websites on What to do before you're 30, What you should know before you're 30, Where to go before you're 30...etc etc. I'm horrible at making long term goals or even considering the fact that I'll live past 30 since I'm terribly superstitious and think the moment I plan for the future, something terrible will happen to me (I know, it's stupid). So, I'll start with 30. A reasonably safe age I hope to reach.
Anyways here is the first list I found after surfing the web all while being semi-productive at work:
30 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Before Turning 30 (by Siobhan Adcock)
wrap a present2. start a successful fire in a
fireplace(does a gas fireplace count?), at a campsite, and in a barbecue
3. finish a piece of furniture
4. get a raise (something i'm horrible at...negotiating)
5. order wine at a restaurant without getting stiffed
6. parallel park in three breathtakingly beautiful movements (i can do it in 10 beautiful movements)
dance a “slow dance” without looking like an idiot8.
use a full place setting properly, including chopsticks and Asian soup spoons(duh, i live for the asian soup spoons)
clean your place in under 45 minutes, when friends, relatives, or prospective lovers are coming by unexpectedly, and soon10.
hold your liquor11. cure a hangover
12. do the Heimlich Maneuver
use a compass ta da!
change a flat15.
jump start a car16.
open a champagne bottle(even though it scares me)
send a drink to someone’s table18.
cook one “signature meal”19. whistle with your fingers
take good pictures(at least
I think they're good)
fold a fitted sheet(thanks to my mom!)
remove common stains(Dreft baby stain remover spray works wonders)
sew a button24. carve turkey,
lasagna, and birthday cake25.
hold a baby (i better know how!)
change a diaper27. keep a plant alive for more than a year
28. make
dogs and cats love you
help someone out of a car30.
write superior thank you notes(superior? maybe not, but good enough)
Well, not too bad, I seem to know most of these. Although, I'm not positive that "making a cat love me" will make it to my own list, there are a few things from this one that I'll definitely consider...Heimlich Maneuver, Get a Raise..
To be continued..